December 30, 2007

hantar benih ketutu naik bas

Setiap kali kami membeli benih ikan k22 ki KL, ia mesti di hantar ke kolam di Sungai Petani untuk di pelihara. Ikan ini di masukkan ke dalam kotak poly foam dan di masukkan sedikit air yang telah di campur ubat penyah amonia. Selalunya k22 yang di bawa dengan air yang sedikit tidak kencing atau kencing sedikit kerana keadaan metobolism yang rendah.

Pada 29/12/07 kami telah menghantar 12 kg anak ikan dan tidak se ekor pun yang mati semasa penghantaran dengan menaiki bas. Kami selalunya memilih untuk menghantar ikan ini dengan bas ekspress yang jalan pada waktu malam.


ikan linang

Ikan linang yang kami dapat mempunyai beberapa warna berlainan. Ada yang atas gelap,perut kuning, ada perut puteh, ada yang mempunyai bintang di sepanjang badan dll.

Restoran Cina akan mengunakan kepala dan tulang sebagai sup sementara dagingnya di buat unagi.


lebih garam

Dua unit kolam kami yang baru di isikan dengan anak ikan telah terkena sakit. Sakit yang ikan k22 hadapi ini adalah sakit sakit kebiasaan mereka ia itu sakit kulit dan reput ekor. Kami telah membuat beberapa treatment seperti garam, potassium, dan fomalin. Penyakit penyakit itu telah berhenti tetapi penyakit lain yang timbul ia itu hilang lendir badan.

Akibatnya penyakit penyakit lain menyerang. Bila ikan k22 ini mati ianya menjadi reput dengan cepat. Ini adalah diakibatkan oleh pengunaan garam berlebihan. Setiap kali KNO dimasukkan kedalam air, garam di tambah dan tiada air tambahan di masukkan . ini membuat kepekatan garam bertambah. Ini di tokok oleh penyeyatan air ke udara dan air tersebut menjadi lebih pekat.

Ini perkara ini treatmentnya ialah tambahlah air hingga kepekatan air menjadi normal.

December 27, 2007

Buying fish in Pekan

Today, 26 of December, 2007 is a long day for me. My work objective today is to pickup (buy) some 150 pieces of patin buah and about 60-70 pieces of live krai (puntius daruphani) from some friendly Champa (Cambodian) fish farmer in Pekan, Pahang. Mind you, I have had this objective for the last 2 weeks but it was thwarted by the very bad flooding in that particular area of Pekan ie from Paloh Inai to Pulai Keladi. Initally the flooding in only in Lanchang near Karak but later the water started to move down river to Pekan.

My brother in law (zabidi) and I started from my house in Bandar Sunway at about 4 am to pick some ice cube that we kept in the coldroom in the office in Old Klang Road. I am driving a small 2 tonne lorry with 3 large live fish tanks and 4 ice boxes. We also have 2 high end dc air pump for the live fish tanks. It pull electricity direct from the battery. By 4:45 am I started my drive through NPE toward kesas highway and onward to the east coast highway. We stop over in Petronas before the Bentong tol plaza for our suboh prayer. We then stop over at Temerloh r&r for breakfast and we were at the Gambang tol plaza by 9 am. We then proceed to Paloh Inai using the Segamat Highway. At Paloh Inai after the bridge we turn left toward Pekan.

It is at this juncture that we realized the extend of the damages or the impact of the flooding on that area as we drove towards our friend house in Pulau Keladi. Firstly we observed that there were many cow dung along the road since all the cattle are now residing the road side since their home are now flood. Then we saw a few chicken coop by the road side. All the cars are now park on the road side. As we drove further toward Pekan, we realized that the flooding have not subside yet in most part along the road. When we get to Pulau Keladi , around our friend house, there are still 4 feet of water. There was a fishing net being placed at the side of his house where it used to have some cloth line to chance any fish that might get that way.

At the near house the water is about 1 meter deep. At the house f urther down near the river, the water is up to the armpit.

We then use a small sampan to get to the raft where we started to pick out the fish that we want to buy from the fish boxes. We bought about 150 patin buah which our friend’s family members help gutted on the raft and 5 patin buah live, 65 krai between 1.1 and 1.8kg and 1 very small Temoleh (seven stripe carp). We also took one soon hock which happen to be in the fish box. We then use the sampan to ferry the patin back to the lorry. Our friend place all the live fish in a small net box and wade the flood from the raft to the road side where we parked the lorry. We bought about RM4,500 worth of fishes to sell back to the Chinese Seafood restaurant in Klang Valley. By one oclock we are off back to our office and arrived back in our office by 6 pm. We were much delayed by the traffic jam along the kesas highway near the Taman maluri interchange. Whoever that design that interchange must be a blooming idiot. “tough toe nail”.

My friend's son helping out weighing the fish

ikan krai that we bought The krai in the RAS tank (4 meters in diameter)My elder child, Mohammad Zaki (6 yrs old) holding the mekong breed of patin buah
Lesson of the day :
1) the yellow krai is not very good traveler. They die. The white krai is much better traveler.
2) many small to medium size fish died to the flooding. Maybe because of the roughness or water turbulence in the fish net raft during the flooding.
3) more fish will die when the water from the flooded field and secondary jungle started to come down to Pekan.(air masam). It change the ph level of the water too rapidly for the fish to cope.
4) marble goby can be cultured in the fish net raft (sangkar) as I saw it done.
5) The Kampuchean never use any fish medicine for their fish.
6) Patin buah fry all come from Thailand. How the breed it, beats me. Some of these frys have hook in their mouth. Initial conclusion, frys are from the wild.

End of posting

December 20, 2007

Beli ikan ketutu

Saya ingin membeli ikan ketutu dari sais 800gm keatas dari mana mana negeri di Malaysia terutamanya dari Sarawak. Ikan mestilah dalam keadaan baik dan di jamin tidak mati dalam perjalanan. Boleh di hantar dengan kapal terbang atau bas ke KL.

Harga untuk yang liar ialah RM60 sekilo dan yang di bela RM50 sekilo cif KL. Jumlah, sebanyak mungkin.

email : atau

December 18, 2007


Saya ingin merakamkan rasa simpati kepada rakan rakan yang memelihara ikan di sepanjang sungai pahang terutama di daerah pekan ia itu dari lubuk paku ke pulau keladi terutamanya saudara Salleh dan keluarga di Pulau Keladi. Saya harap saudara saudara bersabar dan angaplah cubaan Allah ini sebagai pendorong kepada usaha kita untuk terus hidup di atas dunia ini. Sebagai pengedar ikan, saya akan cuba datang membeli ikan secepat mungkin apabila keadaan membenarkan dan berharap ia akan dapat menolong.

marble goby from sarawak

Last Friday (14/12/07) after Friday prayer, I received about 29.6 kg of marble goby of different sizes compliment of my dealer friends from jalan kuching. These gobies came in three plastic packages each weight in at about 10kgs. They were packed with very little liquid which is a diluted form of anti ammonia solution. No ice is added to the fish. All the fishes survived the 9 hours ordeal without any problem. By 8 pm some of them have become someone’s dinner.

The gobies came in various sizes. Since there is no guarantee on the fish, I have asked for them to pack only healthy looking fish. The largest of the lot is about 4.6 kg and the smallest is about .8 kg. Somehow by the time we sell off all the fish, the weight have dropped by .300gm. I assumed it is water on the weight during the initial weight in. Here are some pictures of the fish.

This fish is about 4.6 kg