We have built 26 concrete pond of 20 by 25 feet on one acre of land in Kampong Bukit Kechik, sg Petani Kedah. Here we rear ikan tengalan or puntius bulu,and ikan krai or puntius daruphani. We have tried to grow other fishes such as haruan (channa striata) and kap rumput (chinese carp) but they are not suitable and economical to grow in concrete tank where we have to use a lot of electricity to run the pump. All fish are feed pellet.

Our Rest house
Water are drawn from tube well using electric pump. We have one emergency air pump using turbo charge from a bmw car.
During our learning year 2006-2007, we have lost a lot of fish due to lack of Standard Operating procedures and ignorance on good farm practice. At one time we lost all of our fishes by introducing new fry that have been quarantined by the trader. We believe now that the fish was never quarantined and now we do not trust the trader to quarantine the fish. That mistake cost us one year effort of growing 8,000 puntius bulu and 6,000 puntius hoevanni and we valued at least RM140,000 have gone by the wind.

Another observation is the late response or no response of the government bodies that is suppose to support us. They came but too late with no experience of the fish that we grow.
Well life goes on so we now have 1000 puntius sp that survive that experience and 6,000 puntius bulu fry at is about to be graded and separated by this month. We expect each pond can take in 500 fry at a time to grow to market size, thus 14 unit of pond will be used. Currently we have also 3 pond full tilapia which we are trying to sell off. Night market traders are taking them at the rate of about 100 kg a week. Another 2 ponds are full of adult puntius and another 2 have varius fishes including grass carp, jelawat, puntius, and mekong cat fish. Hopefully we will clear off these fishes by the next CNY. 

Gunung Jerai in the background
That leaves us with 5 pond for marble goby. We believe each pond can handle 500 fishesof the same size. That meant we can put in 2,500 pieces of marble goby. As we clear off the tilapia and the misc. fisher, it will free us with another 5 ponds which can take another 2,500 fishes.
Therefore, our target is to growth 5-6k of puntius and 5k of marble goby every 2 years. Thus, our sales target is about RM200k per year.
End of posting
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